Code Health with Sundar




I will try and keep this as non-controversial as possible but I would certainly ruffle some feathers, every now and then, because I am dealing with an issue that is, has been and will be, at the centre stage of multi-billion dollar industries. So, being non-controversial can only be my intention and not a promise I can keep.

I am also conscious as to not create more isms, for I may have erred in my inferring from information that I got access to, during the course of my research and have no means to verify all the sources and their authenticity. However, I want to assure you that the solutions I found are too simple to be untrue or ineffective and their being least me-centric should be proof enough that I have no ulterior motive whatsoever. 

You will also find any mention of the biggest ‘PANDEMIC’ of our times, The COVID-19 VIRUS a.k.a. CoronaVirus, conspicuously missing as most of my research was pretty much already complete and the pandemic has only delayed my sharing, as I have had to re-look at many aspects. It should also be proof that the inferences I have made can earn a status of ‘ageless wisdom’ as Planet Earth and life in it has seen quite a number of such and more devastating PANDEMICS. 

So, rest assured that the content you are receiving does not ape innumerable ‘health guides’ that are available during these ‘corona times’ and will be very relevant even when the World would have moved on and the pandemic would be a forgotten past. 

Is human health simple or is it complicated? Is life simple or complicated? 

Well, this is what I found in my decades of pursuing many such questions about human life… specifically with mine in focus. I am thrilled that it has shown up as a  statement as profound as this:

 If you want people to follow something and be free, make it simple;
but if you want them to be subservient and follow you, 
make it very complicated. 

Bring on mathematics, laws of physics and chemistry, tons of scientific jargon, loads of information - relevant and irrelevant data, collect a credible few who are in this game with you, make it exclusive, train a few to deliver your narrative, certify them, award them with caps, hats, badges or uniforms to make sure that they are distinct from others, and your setup is complete. 

Everybody will follow you! Cunning as this recipe appears to be, is the way things have been, in human society. It is a great business formula and hasn’t failed for centuries. The contents change, so does packaging, proportions are tweaked, flavours and colours may be added to promote a new fad or fashion, but the basic recipe remains the same because it is a brilliant business formula. 

In this maze of half-truths and blatant lies, amongst quacks and misled experts, frauds and unsuspecting operatives, the corrupt and the corruptible, the silent knowers and the loud but ignorant promoters I set out to find the truth about many things, about life and Health, is just one of them. 

Conspiracy or Not? 

I am not a conspiracy theorist but I certainly have never placed it beyond us (humans) either. I invested quite a long time digging deep into the conspiracy theories, some were extreme exaggerations while others were underplayed, but by and large, there was fire causing all this smoke. 'The whistleblowers were not wrong but they did not offer any better alternative either. 

Modern history is full of such systems of administration or Governance which have emerged from one revolution or the other. Each one was offering a safer, better world than before. So, conspiracy, yes, but what is the solution? Is there a solution after all? 

In fact, further study has only revealed to me that the conspiracy has only deepened with time and now the conspiracy and the conspirators are no more distinguishable! There are no clear oppressors and the oppressed. No us and they to fight or go to war with! 

But all those details will have to be a different conversation. For now, we will fast forward to a hypothesis that rang true and gave me some answers worth sharing. So, instead of flogging the dead  horse (us and they or the conspiracy), 

I sought a different approach (longer now - Celestine Prophecy) and my search led me to an ancient Vedic ideology of Kala or Yuga and Kala Dharma, as a hypothesis and found it quite believable. Many Vedic scriptures predict, mention or define in detail four yugas or Kaal, each one having distinct dharma or the way of being, controlled by one of the four pursuits of consciousness. Our times (including everything we know about the evolution of our planet and the history of humankind.) is referred to as Kali Yuga or Kali Kala and is considered the darkest period of human consciousness. 

Kali Kal is said to be ruled by its Kala Dharma - Kaama or Lust. One look around me and a bit of contemplation, I could effortlessly see that we surely are in Kali-yuga or Kali-Kaal, the darkest times of human consciousness and that Kaama - lust is the primary driving force and the ruling pursuit of humankind. Driven by this Kaala Dharma or Yuga Dharma, the way of the yuga, we paint or project and also wish to see everything in its larger-than-life image. The more I tested this hypothesis, the truer it rang. 

Great Nations (the Greatest Country too), Big estates, Mansions, Villas, bigger houses, cars, bombs, smartphones, debts, needs, wants and desires, imagery of having made it large, everything in our world, is a vulgar demonstration of opulence and most of it has happened or intensified in less than a century or so… since World War II, to be precise. 

Six or eight pack abs, size zero, perfumes, clothes, lingerie… all promising you of magnetism that will have men or women drooling over you, just everything is reeking of vulgarity, of lies and deceit and we, the consumers, know most of it to be very much that - an exaggeration, a sales pitch, and yet can’t help but to get lured! Those are the ways of the Kama Dev - the Lord of Lust. 

If you were to conduct an Industry-wise study of this larger-than-life approach business formula you will be surprised how much our senses and emotions are toyed with to lure and coax us to cough up the moolah! Everything is about projection that is larger than life - including the whole idea of money, the big M or the moolah! Food and Health are big-ticket businesses that have been growing at an insurmountable pace to galactic scales. 

Historically speaking, food was always at the centre stage of trade and commerce but it has been getting more and more organized and controlled and that is alarming. 

Health, which is the bigger business, was never an industry, it was always a selfless service to humankind BALH, BLAH, BLAH … VADA VADA VD=ADA. 

I could go on with all this rant, forever, but I guess you now have a fair idea as to where I am coming from in my approach to health and this, I am sure, will help you stay on course with me right through this conversation. Food, drugs and medicines or simply whatever we infuse into our body orally is a detailed conversation we shall have anyway. 

The Begining - How it all started for me

In the normal course of one’s lifespan, it is an ailment that announces the beginning of a new course to life. One that becomes chronic if one didn’t change one’s ways. It happened to me in the year 2004 in the form of a pinched nerve in my lower back, Oh. lower back? It must be L1 or L2. 

Another incident that occurs for sure is an ailing parent. Put off as signs of ageing which one can’t beat, most elders and much younger ones now surrender to their fate and take refuge in the wisdom of a medical practitioner and stay doomed to consume a handful of pills for the rest of their life. 

Most people become informative and many, you will find, take immense pride in sounding knowledgeable, attempting to sound like a greater authority than medical professionals. 

Surely, some are truly knowledgeable about various medical conditions, drug compositions, and diagnostics but are they even close to anything that might seem like a solution to the disease? Is there a solution to Human Health beyond what medical science professes? 

Being healthy remains a farce, confirmed only by the mathematics (numbers) of our physiology while we unwittingly fund pharmaceutical businesses with our life’s earnings. 

And then you have thousands of quacks and alternative healing therapists, faith healers, diviners, psychics who claim magical or mystical powers and they all claim to be best till they fail. 

I experimented a lot with many tricks, remedies and systems but decided to dig deeper and pursue the Holy Grail of Health. Of course, none of it happened in a hurry.

My Past:

I am compelled to take you through a short journey into my past as it might help you understand some of my standpoints and references I’ve made and will make hereon.

Right from a very young age, I was a bookworm.

My temple, for many years, was this library near our house in Delhi. I was blessed to have access to this huge, charitable library where sitting in to read was free!

I have spent (invested really) many man-years of my youth there from 9 a.m to 6 p.m with a short break for lunch (packed from home).

I would read anything that caught my fancy. It would be anything from sports to sports psychology, Sociology to psycho-pathology, Love, Sex and perversions, novels like Ludlum, Perry Mason, Agatha christie, Harold Robins, Nick Carter…. Books on Yoga, Fitness, Kung fu, Spirituality, religion, Criminology, Courtroom Debates, and many others.

That library was really stuffed with books of all kinds!

I got exposed to many popular as well as lesser-known authors, their thoughts and perspectives on a plethora of subjects and topics.

Fiction, non-fiction, travel, health, yoga, sex, religion, law, spirituality… were all mixed, in varying proportions, to my everyday cocktail of wisdom.

No, I was not a total introvert nor was I anti-social, but I preferred solitude over acquaintances, books over chit chats. I was also seeking something. Searching for answers to innumerable questions that were there in my mind.

The more I read, the more existential my questions became. Physiology, psychology, success, money, life, were all subjects of my interest with an ever-growing eagerness to know the truth about it all! Yoga and Spirituality would take the center stage every now and again. (Still do!)

 I had a short stint at an ashram in Delhi, a longish stint at gyms, more than casual involvement in sports but nothing consistent.

It is a joke at home, even now, that I read and watch more about fitness, yoga, etc than I ever do or practice. My son doesn’t spare me either “Dad’s watching Yoga again!”, he would exclaim. My wife says “Sundar is all theory, no practice!”

No offence is taken because it is true.

While meditation seemed to be my kind of trip, the other limbs of yoga (8 limbs in all) didn’t have the same appeal, especially the way contemporaries were presenting them.

Even my short stint at Dhirendra Brammachari’s ashram in Delhi where I learnt asanas and shatkarmas, didn’t create any real magic with me.

My perspective of Raja Yoga should be out sometime in the future.

 I have read and watched more than I have ever practised. I have studied tons of subjects and that helps me be a very good teacher. Just in case you missed it, I said ‘studied’. It is a word that has lost its true meaning in our times. Most of us do not study anything anymore…

So, I studied and learnt Yoga, Pranayama, Fitness Exercises, Sports, Taichi, Qi gong, Tibetan Rites, Meditation Techniques, and all of it on a DIY (Do It Yourself) mode which, without doubt, takes a lot more effort and commitment.

But I was not practising any of it. Then why was I learning new techniques and practices, trying them, studying them but not practising? What was I seeking? Will the truth be ever revealed to me?

My journey so far has been very interesting and quite rewarding.

I’ve had my share of suffering but far less than my peers. (something I learnt about the hard way!)

Maybe, my questions were too existential and the answers too difficult to comprehend and the Universe, perhaps, has been preparing me, tempering me to receive and understand the essence of existence.

Today I do believe that the Secret could not have been received or understood by me without my life’s journey thus far, which has been both extensive and intensive.

My discovery of the secret to health may seem quite an anticlimax. It is just too simple to appeal to most educated people who, I am sure, pride their scientific temperament.

I will do my best to explain in detail, all my findings and claims but it will require some patience.



The first 3 words of the Mul Mantar of Japji Sahib and later The Guru Granth Sahib says it all; the rest of the verse and all the other verses that follow are details, explanations in an attempt to put to rest fears, doubts, suspicions and confusions that may arise in people’s minds.

I am inspired to do the same with my presentation of “CODE HEALTH”.

 I am excited to share my inferences which are a result of decades of my study on life, mine was in focus and health being a part of it. At least that is how it seems, until now.

 I can only call these my inferences and not conclusions as I suspect that my understanding might deepen and my perspective may be altered. 

I am also not guilty of being arrogant and claiming any authority on this subject, because the deeper one chooses to dive the more one becomes aware of the depths unknown. 

An ancient Tamil saying summarizes it beautifully

கற்றது கைமண் அளவு

கல்லாதது உலகளவு

 Which translates as:-

"What you have learned is a mere handful of sand;

What you haven't learned is the size of the world"


However, I must say that the inferences that I am sharing with you,  have been beta-tested on myself and a few others and for many years for these to deserve a larger audience.

So, without much ado let us dive right into the 3 simple truths of Human Life or Health. 

It is this hierarchy of needs in their rightful place and proportion that holds the secret, the health code.

I am calling them the BIG 3 because these are HUGE.

The first - your BREATH - You can’t live without breathing for more than 3 minutes,

Second, is WATER - you will die a painful death beyond 3 days

The Third - FOOD - you can’t live without for more than 3 weeks.

Each one of them have a huge influence over our mental,  emotional and spiritual health too.

A healthy daily diet should include:

A large portion (king size or bigger) of Regulated Breath -

I am inviting you to challenge the limits of hyperventilation because it is very rewarding.

A Moderate portion of Water and other fluids - you can drown drinking but it is a depth worth testing.

A small or medium portion of Food - nutrition (whatever you want… or your body feels like having)

How many years you will live is not known but how you will live those years is up to you.

As you increase your intake of this diet, in that order, cravings, addictions, ailments will begin to leave.

Your medications will drop, you will have more energy, your priorities of life will change, your decisions too will change. 

Of course, you will pose a serious threat to many multi-billion-dollar industries.

You may even become what you have, perhaps, never been - peaceful, fiercely independent, fearless, powerful in your expressions, witty, extraordinarily calm, confident and very attractive!

 You may discover your uniqueness, sublime potential, inner calling,  a purpose or mission for life as well.

Others will find it very difficult or impossible to dominate you draw you down emotionally, manipulate you or control you.  Most cunning and the conniving will be rendered powerless

but you will be polite, kind and loving to even these people.

You may find yourself more spiritually inclined too.

Fascination and wonderment will be your best companions.

 Discipline will be easy and natural.  Life will have a completely new meaning - nothing like anything -

Your life’s choices will undergo a drastic change.  The people you hang out with, friends, acquaintances that you keep in your company, your interactions with family…. Everything will change.

In case you are beginning to worry about all this change,  let me assure you that all this change will be for the better.  Things will start with the good and carry on beyond the Great. 

This constant worrying about everything shall leave you too!

But, none of it will happen in a hurry.  It will take time but it will happen quickly; like the movement of the sun, change in seasons, weight gain or loss and everything else in nature.

All in all we are looking at a gentle but the biggest coop against everything that could be wrong in our life; in our world.

Alter your diet, alter your life; because life’s worth it!!

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